FABAS Partners

Regional council of Pays de la Loire
(Nantes, France)
The Pays de la Loire Regional Council is strongly involved in supporting educational projects in its territory and the development of European projects. Starting from an educational policy including the fight against bullying at school, a desire was expressed to offer this policy a European dimension. It seemed important and useful to develop a partnership project to create a dynamic and a common culture in the territory and to develop exchanges at European level on the subject of harassment, the issues of which are increasingly significant for the climate. school and students.
The Region is proud to have been able to bring together such a diversified and expert consortium. Its Europe departments were able to consolidate their skills in setting up and managing European projects. Other in-house projects are currently under consideration so that this know-how can continue and progress.
Website : https://www.paysdelaloire.fr/mon-conseil-regional/les-missions/europe
Mail contact : sae@paysdelaloire.fr
Tél. : +33 (0) 2 28 20 61 61

Le Lycée Monge La Chauvinière
(Nantes, France)
Lycée Monge la chauvinière is a comprehensive high school with 1,200 students and 100 teachers. The school joined the FABAS project at the same time as the teams were initiating efforts to combat bullying. The project allowed the teams to enhance their understanding of the phenomenon and compare different European approaches to the issue. It motivated members of the educational community to improve their training, particularly through the MPP (The method of shared concern) program with Jean-Pierre Bellon. Over the course of two years, eight members participated in mobilities, and 20 individuals within the school were trained in the MPP.
Website : https://monge.paysdelaloire.e-lyco.fr/
Mail contact : ce.0440030u@ac-nantes.fr
Tél. : +33 240 167 100

Lycée Touchard-Washington
(Le Mans, France)
Lycée Touchard-Washington joined the ERASMUS FABAS program three years ago to combat school bullying. The program has strengthened over time through various mobilities, enhancing our understanding of bullying both theoretically and practically. The F.A.B team, comprising teachers, staff, parents, and healthcare professionals, actively participated in anti-bullying efforts. They received training as "sentinels and reference persons" to address the issue effectively. Future plans include training sessions, activities during Anti-Bullying Week, and a mobility in Spain in April 2024. The FABAS mobilities were showcased during the ERASMUS DAYS, and strong relationships were formed with European partners for potential future ERASMUS+ mobilities.
Website : https://www.touchard-washington.fr/
Mail contact : ce.0720033v@ac-nantes.fr
Tél. : +33 243 501 620

IES l'Estacio
(Ontinyent, Spain)
The idea of participating in a multinational team to join forces in the fight against bullying seemed very interesting to us. Student behaviours change rapidly and tackling these situations is very important, students are at a time in their lives in who are very sensitive to what their peers think or do with them, and we want to help them.
This has been our first participation in a project in which we collaborated with schools and institutions from other countries. Our project leaders have shown us how to work remotely and that meetings, both face-toface and remote, are productive. Regarding bullying, the different ways of approaching the bullying phenomenon in each country have given us many new tools and ways of approaching the situations that are generated in our high school. On a human level, the participants have become reliable friends and partners for new projects.
Website : https://portal.edu.gva.es/iestacio/
Mail contact : 46006100@edu.gva.es
Tél. : +34 962 919 375

Lycée Olivier Guichard
(Guérande, France)
When the region requested the participation of the high school in the FABAS project, the headmaster responded positively. The prospect of discovering new tools, sharing resources from each involved country, fostering connections, and improving the handling of bullying situations could only lead to personal and professional enrichment for all participants.
At the end of three and a half years of exchanges, sharing, and particularly enriching meetings, the high school reaped numerous benefits. This allowed the establishment of a genuine momentum in the fight against bullying by establishing a resource team consisting of two head education counselors, a nurse, a social worker, four teachers, and the librarian. Additionally, the protocol for managing bullying situations was reworked and presented to the educational staff. Volunteer student representatives will receive training to identify bullying situations. The resource team will employ the shared concern method to address emerging bullying cases promptly.
Website : https://www.lycee-olivier-guichard.fr/le-lycee/
Mail contact : ce.0441550w@ac-nantes.fr
Tél. : 02 40 24 93 10

Kaunas Education Innovation Centre
(Kaunas, Lithuania)
The Center is one of the largest teacher training centers in Lithuania (founded on July 15, 1995) and the first accredited in the country. The Center is a modern subject, informational, methodical institution for the education of school heads, their deputies, heads of departments organizing education, teachers, student support specialists and other adults, providing high-quality educational services, focusing on the needs of the region and the country, infrastructure changes, European Union education structures, international cooperation and development of the education system.

Progetto Crescere
(Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Progetto Crescere strongly wanted to join the FABAS project because the topic of prevention and intervention on bullying and cyberbullying is part of our daily work in schools. In fact, Progetto Crescere professionals deal with this issue both in individual sessions with students, parents and school staff (as in the psychological listening desk) and in the creation of a general prevention project on this topic. With efficiency and effectiveness as main goals, we considered the participation in this project as a great opportunity to widen our view and learn new tools and methodologies to implement in our work. Moreover, we believe that the collaboration between organizations of different European countries is of great value for our professional, but also personal, life as European citizens.
These expectations had been met during the project, which has brought us new points of view, new methodologies and approaches. We had the opportunity to experience directly the school environments and the implementation of tools in other countries, to ask questions and to learn from the experience of other high level professionals, to reflect on our work from a different perspective.
Website : http://www.europeprogettocrescere.re.it
Mail contact : euprojects@progettocrescere.re.it
Tél. : +390522934524

Collège de Chantenay
(Nantes, France)
As a socially diverse institution, the college of Chantenay offers a variety of educational programs and resources tailored to students with specific needs. Disparities in academic levels can lead to group dynamics, scapegoating, and isolation. The Sentinelles et Référents program, implemented in 2015, involves students as witnesses to address bullying and validate their responses. The FABAS project has enhanced practices and implemented tools to promote the development of psycho-social skills, particularly in classrooms with specific needs. The network has also fostered European cooperation, including exchanges with Spanish institutions.
Website : https://chantenay-nantes.loire-atlantique.e-lyco.fr/
Mail contact : ce.0440023l@ac-nantes.fr
Tél. : +33 2 51 84 30 30

IES of Bocairent
(Bocairent, Spain)
IES of Bocairent actively pursued a European dimension in its learning process and joined the FABAS project. School aim to promote peaceful problem-solving, share best practices, prevent harassment, train student mediators, and improve its protocol for handling bullying incidents. IES have started implementing changes, including teacher and student training, acquiring materials for a positive classroom environment, and creating spaces for harmonious coexistence among students. The goal is to create a safe and inclusive school environment where every student can thrive.
Website : https://portal.edu.gva.es/iesdebocairent/
Mail contact : 46020285@edu.gva.es
Tél. : +34 962919590

La Province de Liège
(Liège, Belgium)
The Province of Liège, via its General Directorate, fights against bullying in the school environment Bullying is a problem that affects all schools. Attentive to the importance of the problem, the educational teams, in perfect collaboration with the psycho-medical-social centers (PMS) and the "Open Ado" centers of the Province of Liège, remain vigilant and have set up a support system vulnerable students to encourage them to call for help in case of psychological distress.
In addition, since the end of 2019, the Province of Liège has taken another step further in the reflection on bullying in the school environment, with the creation of the Provincial Cell PESH
(For a Bullying-Free School). With this project, the Province of Liège aims to provide a concrete and systematic response to the difficult and delicate situations that its students may experience.
Website : https://www.provincedeliege.be/fr/node/7909
Mail contact : joelle.pivato@provincedeliege.be
Tél. : +32 (0)4 279 73 38