What is bullying ?

Throughout the FABAS project, this question has been somewhat of our guiding principle. Each partner brought their knowledge and level of experience in handling bullying cases. Each had their own objectives, and the project logic allowed us to discover, question, exchange, and find compromises.
The idea of leaving a tangible trace quickly emerged in our discussions. Board games, radio shows, video games... our imagination ran wild. However, considering the practical aspects and with the help of our workshop discussions, we present you with this dossier, which includes a presentation guide on how to detect and manage cases of harassment, as well as podcasts based on real-life experiences.
The initial ambition of the FABAS project was to achieve a common protocol among all partners. However, the diversities in situations, experiences, and expectations quickly challenged this objective. Nevertheless, we have attempted to provide an overview of the subject that can be useful for initiating actions or fueling your reflections.
The tone of a voice recounting a lived experience seemed to us to contain an authenticity that no other medium, not even a video, could offer. Both personal and anonymous, we aimed to illustrate an idea to make it less theoretical. Because the fight against bullying is above all a hands-on work subject to differences and repetitions.