How to detect and manage
bullying cases
Attention to school staff concerned with preventing these cases or tasked with managing confirmed situations.
Plan :

The fight against bullying in schools is of paramount importance to ensure a peaceful and inclusive school climate, which is necessary for students to succeed in their learning and become responsible citizens. Sometimes, the child's very well-being is at stake.
In order to support school staff facing this issue, this digital guide aims to provide basic theoretical elements to understand the phenomenon of bullying. Additional resources in the form of hyperlinks will allow you to explore certain concepts in more depth.

2. Visible signs in the bullied student
Children who are victims of bullying may display various profiles and symptoms that can vary from one individual to another.
Here are some common signs that may indicate a child is being bullied :
Emotional and behavioral changes :
Increased anxiety, nervousness, or agitation.
Social isolation and withdrawal from social activities.
Sadness, depression, or frequent crying.
Irritability, sudden anger, or aggression.
Decreased self-esteem and loss of confidence.
Fear of going to school or using school transportation.
Changes in eating or sleeping habits :
Physical changes.
Unexplained or frequent injuries.
Declining health, frequent headaches or stomachaches.
Sleep problems, nightmares, or insomnia.
Academic difficulties :
Sudden decline in academic performance.
Avoidance of school activities or decreased participation in class.
Loss of interest in learning and decreased motivation.
Avoidance and concealment behaviors :
Avoidance of social situations or interactions with other students.
Refusal to talk or share details about school life.
Hiding personal belongings or signs of bullying.
Changes in social relationships :
Loss of friends or breakdown of friendships.
Difficulty establishing new relationships or making new friends.
Exclusion or marginalization by peers.
It is important to note that these signs can also be related to other issues or challenges that children may face. However, if several of these symptoms persist for an extended period and are accompanied by significant changes in the child's behavior, it is essential to take the possibility of bullying seriously and intervene accordingly.

3. Existing methods for prevention and treatment of bullying
There are different methods to combat bullying due to the complexity of the phenomenon and the diversity of situations children may encounter. Each method approaches bullying from a specific angle and offers different approaches and strategies to prevent and address this problem.
Here are some reasons why different methods are used in the fight against school bullying :
Holistic approach : Bullying is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive approach, taking into account emotional, behavioral, relational, and environmental aspects.
Adaptation to needs : Each bullying situation and each school are unique, and the methods used must be tailored to the specific needs of each school context and group of students.
Prevention and intervention : Methods vary depending on their primary goal, whether it is to prevent bullying by creating a safe and inclusive environment, or to intervene in existing cases of bullying. Combining these approaches allows for addressing bullying at different stages.
Complementary approaches : Different methods complement each other by offering diverse tools and perspectives. They can focus on education, awareness, empowering victims, or involving bystanders. By combining these approaches, efforts to combat bullying can be strengthened.
Evolution of knowledge and practices : The fight against bullying is an evolving field, with new research and emerging practices. Different methods reflect these advancements and incorporate the latest knowledge in prevention and intervention.
By using a combination of methods and adapting approaches to specific needs, it is possible to strengthen efforts to combat school bullying and promote healthy and safe school environments for all students.
Here are some established methods you can draw inspiration from :
PIKAS Method : This method encourages students to report bullying incidents to a trusted adult who then intervenes to resolve the problem and prevent future situations.
Abuse Triangle : This approach highlights the three roles involved in bullying: the aggressor, the victim, and the bystanders. It encourages bystanders to take a stand and support the victim while helping the aggressor understand the consequences of their actions.
No Blame Attitude : This method focuses on the group rather than the individual bully. It aims to create collective awareness and mobilize the group to find solutions and support the victim.
To be completed…

4. Skills to develop for effectively managing a bullying case
The fight against bullying indeed goes beyond common sense or verbal exchange due to the complexity and dynamics of bullying situations. The skills necessary to effectively combat bullying may go beyond traditional conflict resolution approaches and may involve strategic positions and specific tactics.
Here are some reasons why this may be the case in the fight against school bullying :
Balanced power : Bullying often involves an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim. The skills needed to combat bullying should aim to restore a balance in favor of the victim.
Prevention of retaliation : Victims of bullying may fear retaliation from the bully or their support group. The necessary skills should include strategies to protect the victim and minimize the risks of retaliation.
Awareness of the subtleties of bullying : Bullying can take subtle and insidious forms, requiring an in-depth understanding of these dynamics and the ability to detect and respond to them appropriately.
Use of appropriate strategies : Combating bullying requires the use of specific prevention and intervention strategies, such as awareness raising, training, mediation, and creating an inclusive environment. These strategies require technical and tactical skills to be effective.
It is important to emphasize that the use of strategic positions or tactics should not be confused with manipulation or inappropriate action. On the contrary, it involves using thoughtful and targeted approaches to protect victims, educate bullies, and promote positive behavioral change within the school community.
Here are the main skills to develop :
Active listening : Knowing how to listen attentively to the concerns and emotions of the victim, giving them time and empathy.
Assertive communication : Being able to express oneself clearly and firmly when addressing the problem with the individuals involved, while maintaining a climate of respect.
Bullying resolution : Possessing mediation and bullying resolution skills to help find constructive solutions.
Awareness : Being informed about the signs of bullying, policies, and available resources to provide adequate support to victims and intervene promptly.

5. Implementation of an adapted protocol in the institution
The fight against school bullying is a collective response that requires applied and concerted coordination from the entire educational community.
Here are some explanations on the need for a collective approach and a common culture in this fight :
Shared responsibility : The fight against school bullying cannot solely rest on the shoulders of victims or bystanders. It is essential that all stakeholders in the educational institution, including teachers, administrative staff, parents, and students, take an active part in the prevention and intervention against bullying. This requires a common understanding of the importance of fighting bullying and a collective commitment to action.
Awareness and education : A common culture of fighting school bullying is built on shared awareness and education. It is essential to raise awareness among the entire educational community about the different forms of bullying, their harmful consequences, and effective prevention and intervention methods. This awareness creates a shared understanding of the issues related to bullying and promotes everyone's engagement in the fight against this phenomenon.
Common protocols and policies : For effective action against bullying, it is essential to establish common protocols and policies within the institution. This may include clear reporting procedures, support measures for victims, appropriate sanctions for bullies, as well as awareness and training programs for the entire educational community. These common protocols and policies establish a consistent and coordinated approach in the fight against bullying.
Creation of an inclusive environment : A common culture of fighting school bullying also relies on creating an inclusive and respectful environment within the institution. This involves promoting values such as respect, tolerance, and empathy and preventing any form of discrimination or stigmatization. When all members of the school community feel included and valued, the likelihood of bullying decreases, and victims feel safe to report incidents.
Here is an example of implementing a protocol within an institution :
Develop a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, with clear consequences for bullies.
Train teaching and administrative staff on bullying prevention and treatment.
Establish confidential and accessible reporting channels for students.
Create an action plan to investigate bullying cases, provide support to the victim, and take disciplinary measures if necessary.
Involve parents in the process by informing them and encouraging them to report any bullying incidents. (optionnal)

6. Communication advice for students
It is imperative to communicate to students the existence of available solutions so that they know their voices can be heard. Sometimes, it is necessary to use clever strategies to overcome certain cognitive biases or prejudices resulting from group dynamics. However, it is important to remind all students of some basic principles.
Here are some advice to give :
Talk to someone you trust, such as a teacher, parent, or school counselor.
Do not stay alone, surround yourself with trusted friends who can support you.
Keep evidence of the bullying, such as messages, screenshots, or testimonies.
Remember that bullying is not your fault, and you deserve to be treated with respect.
Report any incidents to the school immediately to get the necessary help.
These guidelines can help school staff play a crucial role in the prevention, management, and resolution of school bullying cases, thereby creating a safe and conducive learning environment for all students.
In each country, there are resources and programs that can directly help students or support staff. Do not hesitate to contact them and gather useful and practical resources.