On the first day, the mobility started with a conference by Serge Tisseron on empathy. Tisseron, a French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, emphasized that empathy is the ability to understand and share the emotions, thoughts, and experiences of others. He highlighted the importance of active listening and validation of emotions, as well as the need to teach empathy from an early age. Empathy plays a crucial role in preventing bullying, raising awareness of its harmful consequences, enabling intervention, empowering victims, and transforming the school culture.

On the second day, practical workshops were conducted, including visits to Lycée Touchard and sessions by the Youth Service on digital workshops addressing topics such as digital identity, online reputation, social media, and cyberbullying. Card and role-playing games were introduced at the information center of the high school to develop self-esteem, and interactive games with the PIX software tested knowledge of internet best practices. A yoga workshop focused on Nidra or emotional yoga, aiming to release mental tension and facilitate engagement in learning. The day ended with a photo rally in the historic old town of Le Mans, exploring its rich history.

On third day, the Collège Léon Tolstoï welcomed participants, and the "student mediators" program was presented. This program, implemented since 2004, provides assistance to students facing minor conflicts. Mediators help rebuild the lost connection between students rather than directly resolving conflicts. Training is provided to both adults and students, covering self-awareness, understanding others, emotions, empathy, communication, and conflict management. Mediators are selected based on behavior and motivation, and after training, they mediate conflicts within their level or lower levels. The mediation process involves respectful communication to find a solution. Mediators record the details in a mediation log, and if conflicts persist, adults step in. The day also included reflection on project deliverables and evaluation.
On the fourth day, Students presented their work on bullying through a theatrical reading of texts. The students engaged in the fight against bullying showcased their roles as sentinels within the school, and the importance of the program was highlighted. The FABAS project, which fostered exchange, tool sharing, and a commitment to combat bullying, reached its conclusion.

The overall theme of the four-day training was the fight against bullying and the promotion of empathy and understanding among students. The training aimed to empower students, raise awareness about the harmful effects of bullying, and create a positive school environment.
Some resources and tools
Introduction Serge Tisseron
This presentation summarizes the essential stakes of empathy and its usefulness in the processes of combating harassment. [In English]
Sentinels Poster
This poster presents the communication work implemented by Touchard-Washington High School for its students and teachers. [In French]
Survey on harassment conducted among the students of the school.
This survey reviews the results obtained from the high school students. It reveals, among other things, that more than one in five students has been a victim of harassment during their schooling. [In French]