The sixth mobility
The sixth mobility took place from March 20th to 23rd in Kaunas, Lithuania.
The coordination was provided by Kaunas Educative and Innovative Center (KEIC), an education staff training center. 24 participants actively engaged in anti-bullying activities, acquired new knowledge and skills, and familiarized themselves with the training methods applied in Lithuania to reduce bullying.
On the first day, at the Kaunas Education Innovation Center, the project participants were warmly welcomed by the national dance group "Žolynėliai" from Kaunas Kazys Grinius pro-gymnasium.
The morning continued with a presentation on the Lithuanian education system and the missions of KEIC: continuous training and qualification of school principals, educational leaders, and teachers. The international projects of KEIC were also described, outlining their objectives and dynamics. The morning concluded with a workshop on producing FABAS project deliverables and an open forum to discuss possible future steps for the project.
In the afternoon, the group visited the Kaunas Adult and Youth Training Center, where the school director, Dr. Tomas Lagūnavičius, conducted a seminar for the guests on new training methods. The participants were introduced to the methodology of post-neuroeducational teaching and postism. They applied the acquired knowledge in practical tasks during the seminar.

On the second day, the group visited the Kaunas Algis Žikevičius Safe Child School, where the principal, Rasa Šerpytienė, presented the school's mission, priorities, and the team of school psychologists, as well as their unique activities in Lithuania. The project participants actively participated in activities led by the psychologists: they applied the forum theater method to stage and analyze various bullying situations, sought ways to resolve them, and concretely experienced the biofeedback method by developing the ability to recognize and regulate their psychophysiological state.

On the third day, the visits continued with Kaunas Jonas and Petras Vileišiai School. The school principal, Dr. Dalia Lapėnienė, shared the school's practical experience on the theme of bullying prevention, "Socio-affective Education: No Bullying 365." The project participants had the opportunity to observe classes (preschool, primary, and basic education), participate in pedagogical activities, and learn about and discuss unique methods of bullying prevention and improvement of the classroom and school microclimate.

The project participants had the chance to visit schools in the city of Kaunas, where principals and specialists presented them with very original methods and techniques to address the issue of bullying. The objectives and activities of the FABAS project were enriched with a different perspective focused on the context and structures that develop interpersonal relationships.
Some resources and tools
Kaunas Adult and Youth Training Center
A presentation of the Kaunas Adult and Youth Training Center, showcasing its learning methods tailored for young people facing difficulties.
Kaunas Algis Žikevičius Safe Child School
A presentation of the Kaunas Kaunas Algis Žikevičius Safe Child School, showcasing its missions and work inspired by the Brazilian psychologist Augusto Boal. [In English]

This activity involves asking the group to build a character using Lego. Then, one by one, the members of the group tell the story of this character. Finally, each person places their character on a stage in relation to the other characters. This game allows, through a question-and-answer session led by the game master, to focus on certain personal or group dynamics and thus encourage an opening of dialogue. [In English]

Some links to official Lithuanian websites addressing the issue of bullying in schools :