The first day focused on group cohesion and getting to know each other better. Icebreaker activities, such as the "Packet Game" were implemented to simulate situations of exclusion and encourage participants to find strategies to avoid exclusion. Establishing a common language to describe bullying situations was also emphasized as a key objective.
Chantenay College showcased their concrete approach to handling bullying situations, presenting their work on the "Abuse Triangle" and explaining the roles within their "Sentinel" aproach. A video was shown to illustrate their commitment and mission in practical terms.

The second day began with a new icebreaker activity to energize participants and improve group dynamics. The Nantes Academy presented the pHARE program, highlighting the efforts made by the French educational system to combat bullying. Workshops on budget management and deliverables were conducted to ensure a thorough understanding of the ERASMUS+ program's rules and to reflect on the uniqueness and dissemination of the project's deliverables.

During the third day at Monges La Chauvinière High School, presentations were made by each partner country on their experiences and methods to address bullying. Italy presented the TIT (Tutoring between Youth) method, while Monges La Chauvinière High School shared their innovative Pikas method, which focuses on shared concern and encourages students to find solutions to help victims. Chantenay College presented the Sentinel method, training students to identify isolation or bullying situations and find restorative solutions. The Spanish partners introduced their tutoring system for primary and secondary school students.
A tour of the school's organization provided a behind-the-scenes look, including the infirmary, the student life Coordination, and the cell for students involved in the initiative. The afternoon involved educational role-playing games based on the Pikas method, providing a positive approach to addressing delicate situations.

The mobility concluded with an evaluation, and participants expressed their positive experiences, using words like sharing, kindness, teamwork, and good humor to summarize their experiences. The team expressed their eagerness to continue the collaboration and their enthusiasm for the future of the project.
Some resources and tools

This game is useful to identify different roles in the functioning of a group (Normopaths, scapegoat, perverse posture), to become aware of the weight of the norm in this functioning and to highlight the different strategies used to play with these norms to attack a scapegoat.

This game promotes exchange among participants and enables the identification of the group's specificities, commonalities, and dynamics. From a group dynamics perspective, it can help initiate a discussion on the mechanisms of associations as well as the exclusions at play.
This French book brings together authors of violence, victims, and witnesses, exploring the healing of wounds through listening, reconciliation, repair, and forgiveness. It helps identify the phenomenon of scapegoating and provides guidance on implementing restorative justice procedures when necessary.
Violence et justice restaurative à l'école. 2021. Sous la direction de Max Tchung-Ming, Eric Verdier. Paris : Dunod.
This French book provides a description of complex group dynamics in order to understand their mechanisms and counteract them in cases of bullying. The Shared Concern Method, developed by the authors, involves engaging the bullies in implementing actions to put an end to the bullying, while providing support to the victimized student to ensure their safety and well-being at school.
BELLON, Jean-Pierre, GARDETTE, Bertrand, QUARTIER, Marie : 2021. Harcèlement scolaire : le vaincre c'est possible. Paris : ESF sciences humaines.
This infographic presents the "sentinels" system implemented in Chantenay College in Nantes. [In English]