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The Podcasts

This page gives you access to the 18 podcasts that FABAS partners have produced with their team. Some are in their original language, others in English. The main idea is to offer examples of bullying experiences encountered by teachers or students. Several points of view on this phenomenon and several positions in their resolution make up this collection.

[In English] In tis podcast, two students exchange ideas about bullying trying to find solutions to this problem. (by IES Bocairent, 1m24s)

[In French] A teacher in a French middle school explains how she was able to handle the bullying situation she encountered (by Collège Jules Verne (associated FABAS partner who worked with Olivier Guichard highschoo, 1m21s)

[In Italian] This podcast combines two interviews: the first one is about Lorenzo's story, who went through a situation of bullying, and the second one deals with the testimony of Lorenzo's mother and the situations she has to face to help her son. (by Progetto Crescere, 15m34s)

[In French] Océane, 16 years old, shares her story as a victim of bullying since primary school. She simply describes what she has experienced and how she managed to turn her suffering into strength. (by Olivier Guichard highschool, 3m50s)

[In English and In Lithuanian] This video tells the story of the back-to-school in Lithuania and the existing codes in the school bus that newcomers may not be familiar with. A young girl learns it the hard way. (by Kaunas Educative and Innovative Center, 3m37s)

[In French] Maelys, a thirteen-year-old student, is a young girl who shows maturity, she enjoys chatting with her teachers after class. Because of that, she was mocked by a group of girls in her class who told her that everyone thought she was "a teacher's pet". Maelys is deeply affected by these mockeries and no longer wishes to come to school.

Part 1 : The Facts. In this episode, Maelys tells what she went through and how she reacted. (by middle-school Chantenay, 3m00s)

[In French] Part 2 : Class Life

In this episode, Maelys explains the solution found by the school team and how she experienced it. (by middle-class Chantenay, 2m48s)

[In French] Part 3 : Preparing for the Restorative Class Hour

In this episode, two teachers, who are both Maelys' teachers, describe how they were informed of the situation and how they intervened. (by middle-class Chantenay, 3m10s)

[In French] Part 4 : What is the purpose of a Restorative Class Hour ?

In this episode, two teachers explain their experience with the Restorative Class Hour and its benefits. (by middle-class Chantenay, 5m34s)


[In French] A presentation on the daily implementation of the method of shared concern in a high school conducted by a school counselor. (by high school Monges la Chauvinière, 4m54s)

[In English] A student monologue where she thinks aloud about the reasons why someone bullies others, the responsibilities of the school, and the consequences for victims. (by IES Bocairent, 10m29s)

[In French] Two students share their involvement in the "sentinels référents" program at a high school, discussing their training, motivation, and responsibilities. (by high school Touchard-Washington, 4m52s)

[In English] An interview where two people give their opinions about bullying. (by IES Bocairent, 1m24s)

[In French] A French school principal discusses the strategies he has implemented within an institution to combat school bullying (by Collège Jules Verne (associated FABAS partner who worked with Olivier Guichard highschool), 5m)

[In Spanish] A young girl explains a difficult situation that she had to overcome in order to be able to follow a normal education. (by IES Estacio, 2m45s)

[In Spanish] A young boy explains his aversion to school due to bullying situations he has encountered regularly since primary school. (by IES Estacio, 1m31s)

[In French] Two students explain how and why they integrated the sentinel system into the school. (by high school Touchard-Washington, 1m31s)

[In French] A young girl recounts the sexual harassment she suffered from a company manager during her work-study internship and how colleagues and written evidence helped her to publicize the situation, despite the positions of the direction. (by high school Touchard-Washington, 3m37s)

[In French] An explanation of the school's sentinel system by students involved in the system. (by high school Touchard-Washington, 3m37s)

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